Friday, May 4, 2007

thorn in my side

everyday i logon and reread my vow to myself. every freaking day. not that there is that much temptation to do it that often, but i need a reminder. like a thorn in my side. things got so out of whack in my life for awhile. someone wise who is no longer in my life said the most cliche thing but i dont think i had ever heard it before, "it's called making love for a reason"

so he hasn't talked to me for two weeks and still everyone who knows him said that it's not like him. oh well, something musta happened. i assume he's still alive, as none of his friends have said anything to the contrary. i want my book back. i told nemesis that and she said do you really need this book... no, but i want it... it was my cheer up book, which is why i gave it to bond in the first place, he needed a good laugh...

i probably should have thought of a better title, as i am no longer having sex and i'm trying to find a different job...

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